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Local Mitigation Planning Resources

Legislation Affecting Mitigation Planning

Assembly Bill 2140

AB 2140 (2006) allows California counties and cities to be considered for additional state cost-share on eligible Public Assistance (PA) projects by adopting their current, FEMA-approved LHMPs into the Safety Element of their General Plan. This adoption, along with other requirements, makes the County or City eligible to be considered for part or all of its local-share costs on eligible PA projects to be provided by the state through the California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA).

This AB 2140 fact sheet includes information for counties and cities, steps required to become AB 2140 compliant, and frequently asked questions.  For any questions about AB2140 compliance, please contact AB2140@CalOES.ca.gov.

Assembly Bill 2684

AB 2684 (2024) requires jurisdictions revise and update their safety element upon revision of its LHMP, or every 8 years. The revision of the safety element must identify new information relating to extreme heat hazards applicable to the city or county that was not available during the previous revision of the safety element

Read the bill here.

Senate Bill 99

SB 99 (2019) requires safety elements to include information to identify residential developments in hazard areas that do not have at least two emergency evacuation routes.

Read the bill here.

Senate Bill 379

SB 379 (2015) requires cities and counties to include climate adaptation and resilience strategies in the safety element of their general plans.

Read the bill here.

Senate Bill 1000

SB 1000 (2016) requires review and revision of general plan safety elements to address only flooding and fires (not climate adaptation and resilience) and requires environmental justice to be included in general plans.

Read the bill here.

Senate Bill 1241

SB 1241 mandates wildfire planning responsibilities of local governments that have jurisdiction in State Responsibility Areas and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones.

Read the bill here.

Tribal Mitigation Planning Resources

State Hazard Mitigation Plan

Grant Application