Our Mission:
Identifying the needs of all Californians before, during, and after disasters and working with emergency managers and whole community stakeholders to integrate those needs throughout every facet of the State’s emergency management system.
Our Vision for Resilience in CA:
The Resilience Branch envisions a California where every community, regardless of its background, possesses the knowledge, resources, and support needed to proactively address and mitigate the impacts of natural disasters. We aspire to be a driving force in the creation of sustainable and adaptive solutions, ensuring that our state not only recovers but emerges stronger and more resilient after every hazard. By seamlessly integrating mitigation planning with grant funding and technical assistance, we aim to build a future where California’s landscapes and communities are fortified against the challenges of an evolving climate.
Ready to Start an Application?
Local Mitigation Planning
Local Mitigation Planning resources for local and tribal entities to implement and maintain plans.
State Mitigation Planning
The State Hazard Mitigation Plan is California’s primary hazard mitigation guidance document.
Grant Opportunities
Explore grant opportunities and view NOFOs for eligibility and program details.
Develop a Subapplication
Tools & Resources for developing your HM Subapplication and accessing Technical Assistance.
Resiliency in Action
Approved Mitigation Projects, Mitigation Action Ideas, and Loss Avoidance Studies.
Has your grant been awarded? See the Post-Obligation Section for best practices for managing your grant.
Click HERE to access the Hazard Mitigation Resource Library
All of the documents, links, and templates in one, central location.
Robyn Fennig
Melissa Boudrye
Resilience Branch Chief
Ron Miller
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch Chief
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