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LEMA Truck

Law Enforcement Mutual Aid (LEMA) Fund

On July 1, 2022, the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid (LEMA) Assistance Fund became available to reimburse law enforcement agencies that respond to disasters and emergencies outside their jurisdictions. The fund is $25 million annually.

Caldor Fire LEMA

Eligible Applicants

LEMA Fund is available to sworn members of:

  • City Police Departments
  • Sheriff’s Offices
  • Probation Offices
  • District Attorneys’ Offices
  • Coroner/Medical Examiners

Eligible Costs

LEMA Fund will pay 100% of the following eligible costs:

  • Responding Officer overtime;
  • Backfill for responding Officers;
  • Lodging;
  • Per Diem;
  • Mileage, to and from the incident site;
  • Fuel; and
  • Extraordinary Equipment.

Reimbursement Process

Submit a Workbook and supporting documentation through the LEMA Fund Application. See link below.

Instructional/Reference Material


LEMA Fund Application

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Incident Fact Sheets

When an incident is eligible for Cal OES LEMA Fund a fact sheet will be created according to all facts of the incident. It will provide important application information to include the LEMA incident dates.


Contact Information:

LEMA Fund Team

Jodi Lopez

Division Chief

(916) 845-8307

Taryn Renowden


(916) 845-8705

Pooja Randhawa


(916) 845-8743

Nancy Talley


(916) 845-8706