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Tribal Hazard Mitigation Planning Requirements

The resources below explain the laws, regulations, and policies that tribal governments need to know to create a FEMA-approved Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan (THMP).

Cropped Cover of FEMA's 2017 Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide

FEMA Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide (2017)

This guide outlines the required components that need to be included in an Tribal HMP based on the 2017 policy updates.  The Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide details the process to complete an approved mitigation plan under applicable laws and regulations (see 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 201.6). 

Cover of FEMA's 2019 Tribal Mitigation Planning Handbook

FEMA Tribal Mitigation Planning Handbook (2019)

The Tribal Mitigation Planning Handbook (2019) is for tribal governments. This guide helps them write, update, and carry out tribal mitigation plans.

Screenshot of FEMA Region 9 Tribal Plan Review Tool

FEMA Region 9 Tribal Plan Review Tool (PRT)

The Region IX Tribal Plan Review Tool demonstrates how the Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan meets the federal regulations.  FEMA Mitigation Planners also have an opportunity to provide feedback to each tribal nation.

Screenshot of first page of FEMA Fact Sheet for Tribal Mitigation Planning

FEMA THMP Fact Sheet (2023)

This FEMA fact sheet provides an overview of hazard mitigation planning for Tribal Nations and governments.

Screenshot of FEMA YouTube video. Introduction to Tribal Mitigation Planning

FEMA Recorded Webinar

This Introduction to Tribal Mitigation Planning webinar covers basic mitigation planning concepts, types of mitigation plans, steps to create a mitigation plan and available resources.


FEMA Independent Study Course IS-350

IS-350: Mitigation Planning for Tribal Communities is a free independent study course offered by FEMA.  It provides tribal officials, planners, emergency managers, and other partners with the information necessary to prepare and implement a THMP.

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Firefighters watching a prescribed burn in a field of dry grass

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