Home Office of the Director Operations Recovery Directorate Hazard Mitigation Local Mitigation Planning


What is a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)?

While natural disasters can’t be completely avoided, LHMPs are effective tools for reducing losses and enhancing community resilience. These plans provide a framework for governments to lessen disaster impacts by promoting whole-community involvement, assessing risks, and developing strategies to mitigate the effects of natural hazards, thereby reducing risks to people, economies, and natural environments.

A FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan is required for communities (sub-applicants) interested in receiving FEMA’s grant funding for eligible mitigation projects.


Contact the Local Planning Unit at MitigationPlanning@CalOES.ca.gov

Local Hazard Mitigation
Plan Resources

Tribal Hazard Mitigation
Plan Resources

California State Hazard
Mitigation Plan (SHMP)

MyPlan 2.0

GIS Tool

02.26.2025 LHMP Training for Contractors

Contractors who write LHMPs are welcome to join us on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 13:00-17:00.  A maximum of 3 people per contracting company is allowed.  Click this banner to sign up!

What does the Cal OES Local Mitigation Planning Unit do?

The Cal OES Local Mitigation Planning Unit oversees the technical assistance, training, outreach to support the development, update, and implementation of LHMPs in California. The Unit also reviews LHMPs, and forwards plans that meet federal regulations and guidance to FEMA for approval. Cal OES monitors and tracks where LHMPs are in development and implementation, to ensure that entities are eligible to apply for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs, a key feature of participating in and adopting a LHMP.

Join Our Contact List!

Click HERE to be notified of our upcoming LHMP trainings
Please note: This is a new list that does NOT pull information from trainings prior to 12/03/2024.

Firefighters watching a prescribed burn in a field of dry grass

What You Should Know

An approved LHMP is required to apply for a project in these programs:

    • Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
    • Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)

An approved LHMP allows FEMA to formally award/obligate a grant project for all FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs:

    • Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
    • Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)
    • Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and HMGP-Post Fire

Plans expire 5 years after approval. To remain effective, they must be reviewed and revised at least every 5 years.

An approved LHMP is not required to be eligible for standard cost sharing under Public Assistance (PA) funding

Click here for Funding Opportunities to update your LHMP!

Join our HM Grant Distribution Group!

Sign up here to get e-mail updates on Hazard Mitigation Grant webinars, funding opportunities, and more.

Images - Distrobution list picture 2

Local Mitigation Planning Team


Victoria LaMar-Haas

Victoria LaMar-Haas

Mitigation Planning
Division Chief


Constantin Raether

Constantin Raether

Local Mitigation
Planning Unit Chief


Tina Phan Tina.Phan@CalOES.ca.gov Senior Emergency Services Coordinator
Nadilyn Encinas Nadilyn.Encinas@CalOES.ca.gov Emergency Services Coordinator
Patricia Tam Patricia.Tam@CalOES.ca.gov Emergency Services Coordinator
Annika Braucher Annika.Braucher@CalOES.ca.gov Environmental Planner