Largest earthquake drill ever: ShakeOut!

Download Notice

Greetings All,

On October 19, 2023, millions of people will participate in the largest earthquake drill ever: ShakeOut! Earthquakes can happen anywhere you work, live, or travel, which is why everyone, everywhere should know how to protect themselves should an earthquake occur. Register at to practice and improve your level of earthquake safety. Individuals, families, businesses, schools, government agencies, and organizations are all invited to join on October 19 or any day in 2023.

Meeting Date:
October 19, 2023 3:33 PM

Meeting Location:

  • How to Participate in ShakeOut
    • Register at:
    • Download and/or verify that the MyShake App is installed on your cell phone.
    • Forward and share this email to your key partners and stakeholders!
  • During the Drill
    • MyShake will send a TEST alert to app users on October 19, 2023, at 10:19am. When you get the alert, practice: DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON!
    • If you have difficulty getting onto the ground, or cannot get back up again without help, then follow these recommendations:
      o During the drill, look around and evaluate what could potentially fall on you during a real earthquake. These items should be secured or moved after the drill.
  • Share your Experience
    • Tell us about your ShakeOut experience and share photos with us at: Please note that any photos submitted may be used publicly in connection with the Great ShakeOut.
  • More Resources