Community Resiliency & Listos Grants

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Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Program

The purpose of the EOC Program is to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, strategically located and fully interoperable EOCs with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs. Fully capable emergency operations facilities at the state and local levels are an essential element of a comprehensive national emergency management system and are necessary to ensure continuity of operations and continuity of government in major disasters or emergencies caused by any hazard. Among the five basic homeland security missions noted in the DHS Strategic Plan, the EOC Program supports the goal to Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience.

Listos California Grant Program

The Listos California Grant Program supports community-based organizations and federally recognized tribes throughout California to ensure every Californian, regardless of age, ability, income or language, has access to culturally competent outreach to prepare for earthquakes, floods, wildfires and other hazards. Since its inception in 2019, Listos California has reached millions of Californians with low incomes, disabilities and language barriers as well as older adults and those living in areas at high risk of disaster to help them prepare for, respond to and recover from all types of emergencies.

The Listos California Grant Program is comprised of the following grant programs:

  • Listos California Statewide Grant Program
  • Listos California Target Grant Program
  • Listos California Tribal Grant Program
  • Listos California CERT Support Grant Program
  • Listos California Youth Development Grant Program

Community Power Resiliency Program (formerly PSPS Program)