Home Office of the Director Operations Response Operations Fire & Rescue Hazardous Materials HazMat Emergency Preparedness Grant

HazMat Emergency Preparedness Grant


Federal Hazardous Material Law authorizes the United States Department of Transportation / Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (US DOT/PHMSA) to provide assistance to public sector employees through training and planning grants. The purpose of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) grant program is to increase effectiveness in safely and efficiently handling hazardous materials accidents and incidents; enhance implementation of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA); and encourage a comprehensive approach to emergency training and planning by incorporating the unique challenges of responses to transportation situations. This is a performance-based grant that builds on and supports accomplishments of long-term goals and objectives. On behalf of California, the Cal OES HazMat Section administers the grant while the Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) review and prioritize the applicants.

Because each region in California has unique risks associated with them, Cal OES directs local agencies to submit applications to the LEPCs for review and prioritizing, taking into consideration that larger sums may be necessary in specific areas with the greatest need. There are certain geographical areas that are of particular concern, especially considering transportation-related risks.

HMEP Contact

For more information regarding the HMEP Grant, contact:

Ibrahim Koroma, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Hazardous Materials Section
Phone: (916) 364-4546 / FAX: (916) 845-8734

LEPC Chair and Cal OES Liaison Contacts

Upcoming HMEP Grant Events

HMEP Grant Documents

Any documents that contain “FILLABLE VERSION” within their description will not allow you to view the form within a browser window. These forms will first need to be downloaded to your computer before they can be completed. To save the file to your computer, right-click the file name and choose “Save Target As…” (if using Internet Explorer) or “Save Link As…” (if using Google Chrome). Other browsers may use alternative wording for saving a file.

HMEP – 2024 Grant

2024-25 HMEP Planning Subgrant Funding Announcement

2024-25 HMEP Planning Subgrant Guide

2024-25 HMEP Planning Subgrant Terms and Conditions

HMEP Best Practices Guide

HMEP Expenditures Guide

HMEP – Guidance

US DOT Title VI Assurance Statement


U.S. DOT / PHMSA HMCRP Report – Guidebook for Conducting Local Hazardous Materials Flow Studies – 2011

HMEP – Planning Activities

Cal OES 2011-12 HMEP Grant Approved Sub-Grant Projects

Cal OES 2011-12 HMEP Grant Approved Planning Projects – March 2012

Cal OES 2012-13 HMEP Grant Approved Sub-Grant Projects

Cal OES 2012-13 HMEP Grant Approved Planning Projects – January 2013

Cal OES 2013-14 HMEP Grant Approved Sub-Grant Projects

Cal OES 2013-14 HMEP Grant Approved Planning Projects – March 2014

Cal OES 2014-15 HMEP Grant Approved Sub-Grant Projects

Cal OES 2014-15 HMEP Grant Approved Planning Projects – March 2015

Cal OES 2015-16 HMEP Grant Approved Sub-Grant Projects

Cal OES 2015-16 HMEP Grant Approved Projects – November 2016

HMEP – Subaward Forms

HMEP Application Form – May 2015

HMEP Budget Sheet – May 2015

HMEP Designation Statement April 2015

HMEP Grant Assurances – April 2015

HMEP Project Narrative – April 2015

HMEP Work Schedule Deliverables – April 2015

HMEP – Training

CSTI 2016-17 HMEP Course List

CSTI 2016-17 HMEP Course Request Form

For questions, please contact Jacob Volkov, CSTI Training Support and Compliance, at jacob.volkov@caloes.ca.gov or (805) 549-3203


Listed below are useful links related to the HMEP Grant. Some of these links may point to an external website. Cal OES is not responsible for content found on these site.

Cal OES Administered Grants

FEMA Fire Grants

National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials (NASTTPO)

U.S. DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

Commodity Flow Study Brief Summaries within California (Map)