Next-Gen SCOUT

The Next gen SCOUT- Situational Awareness and Collaboration Tool (powered by Intterra) is a web-based application accessed through the desktop/laptop/mobile web browsers and includes a mobile application (Field Tool App) run on handheld/tablet devices.

Next-Gen SCOUT has integrated statewide data events to include:

  • Provide Fire Integrated Real Time Intelligence from two State of the art aircraft located in Northern and Southern California.
  • Successfully operate an all-hazard incident within your agency/jurisdiction common operating picture for your agency and other agencies of the California Emergency Service’s Community.
  • Track multiple concurrent incidents within the State of California predictive analytics for fire and other hazards.
  • Integration and hosting of your agency’s Wildland Fire Pre-Plans.
  • Provide first responders and EM personnel with spotty/or no internet coverage access to use our Field Tool application and have a synchronizing capability with no data loss.

How to sign-up for a Next-Gen SCOUT account:
Your free account is available by signing up at: NG SCOUT Training Registration. Training dates are available upon signing up.

Next-Gen SCOUT Wildland PrePlans

  • Create map-based plans for any area of your Wildland or metro jurisdiction.
  • Capture, record, and electronically share those plans with users of NG SCOUT and current California Intterra Customers. 
  • In Collaboration with the FIRESCOPE GIS Subcommittee, Cal OES has a standard WPP schema into NG SCOUT.
  • Create and edit in your respective areas and as you do, this will be available to users of NG SCOUT and to current California Intterra Customers
  • Creating your agencies Wildland PrePlans do not require you to have a GIS degree.

How to sign-up for Wildland PrePlan Training Session:
Register at: Wildland PrePlan Training Session. Training dates are available upon signing up.

Identify a Group of Users in Your Agency:

The typical group of users include:

    1. Fire Personnel sworn and administrative personnel
    2. Law Enforcement sworn and administrative personnel
    3. Emergency Management personnel
    4. Fire Communication Dispatchers/communication operators
    5. IMT Members
    6. GIS Personnel

Your continued partnership and with your support this tool will enhance the effectiveness of emergency responders throughout California.

Please email us at should you have any questions.