406 Mitigation Funding

In certain instances, an eligible mitigation measure may not be an integral part of the facility. FEMA will consider these exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
How to Identify Mitigation Opportunities for Permanent Work Damages
Eligible Applicants are not required to apply for 406 PA Mitigation funds. During the Public Assistance process, Cal OES assists Applicants to identify mitigation opportunities for permanent work damages and develop cost-effective hazard mitigation measures that can be included in repair projects. The identification of 406 PA Mitigation opportunities is built into the general PA process and is completed concurrent to repair project development. Identified mitigation measures are then presented to Applicants to approve for inclusion into their repair project. 406 PA Mitigation projects are funded with federal and non-federal sources.

What 406 Mitigation Projects Are Considered Cost Effective?
406 Mitigation projects are considered cost effective if the mitigation project cost does not exceed 15% of the total project costs. In addition, certain mitigation measures contained in Appendix J of the Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide, Version 4 (FP 104-009-02), are considered cost-effective as long as they don’t exceed 100% of eligible project repair costs.
For 406 mitigation projects where the cost exceeds the two previously referenced criteria above, cost effectiveness may be demonstrated using a benefit cost analysis.
Technical Assistance
For questions and other 406 Hazard Mitigation funding related inquiries, please send an email to DisasterRecovery@caloes.ca.gov.