Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)
The Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) was developed from legislation introduced in 1992 and signed into law in 1993. Its policies and procedures are set forth in the California Government Code, Section 8607, Emergency Services Act (Chapter 7, Division 1, Title 2). All state agencies are required by law to use the Standardized Emergency Management System. Local agencies eligible for funding of response-related costs under disaster assistance programs are also encouraged to use SEMS when responding to disasters or major events involving multiple agencies.
CSTI was principally involved in the development of the Standardized Emergency Management System in 1992. SEMS has been incorporated into all CSTI’s programs. Our SEMS training programs are individually tailored to fit specific agency needs and may address a wide range of emergency management topics and issues. Our staff considers a jurisdiction’s facilities, plans, and personnel in the design of each program. Programs designed for your jurisdiction or agency could include components from any of the SEMS Courses.
For SEMS certification, follow your agencies current procedures for documenting training and issuing certificates. It is recommended that a SEMS training record-keeping system include:
- An individual training record for each person, kept either in their personnel file or in a separate training record file. The name of the course, instructor, location, and date should be included in the training record.
- Maintenance of the individual training record for as long as the person is employed in a position that involves an emergency response role. Records of personnel involved in an actual emergency should be kept at least until any training compliance issues have been resolved.
- Documentation of the agency’s SEMS training program including copies of the training materials used, such as instructor syllabus, lesson plans, participant manuals, exercises, and tests. Additional materials are being developed by Cal OES and the SEMS Training & Exercise Specialist Committee and will be added to this website on a regular basis.

CSTI Training Portal
Visit the CSTI Learning Management System to browse hundreds of training courses, register and learn.

EMI Training Portal
Visit the FEMA National Training and Education Division (NTED) Course Schedules and Independent Study (IS) programs.