Hazardous Materials Program

The California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) is considered the nation’s premier training venue in the area of hazardous materials response training and education. California’s requirements for Hazardous Materials Technician and Specialist certification are the highest in the nation, and CSTI’s comprehensive hazardous materials courses meet or exceed national training standards.
CSTI’s hazardous materials training facility at San Luis Obispo can replicate any scenario a responder may face in a real-world incident, and a system of certified field training facilities, owned and operated by local agencies, provides additional venues for first responders to train statewide.
CSTI is authorized under California Government Code §8574.20 (e) to provide a single coordinated standardized curriculum to train and certify hazardous materials outreach instructors. These individuals extend our training reach to provide training in CSTI’s certified curriculum to thousands of responders each year.
Explore this Section
Learn more about ProBoard Accreditation
Hazmat Outreach Program
Instructor Requirements, Curriculum, Forms, and Support Material
HazMat Refresher Training Requirements
Learn more about Cal OSHA/ Federal OSHA Training Requirements

CSTI Training Portal
Visit the CSTI Learning Management System to browse hundreds of training courses, register and learn.

EMI Training Portal
Visit the FEMA National Training and Education Division (NTED) Course Schedules and Independent Study (IS) programs.