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Legislative & Governmental Affairs

The staff of Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs (LGA) works collaboratively to advance Cal-OES’ mission by engaging with all branches of local, State and federal Government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and other related stakeholders.

LGA monitors State and federal legislative activities that could potentially affect all aspects of public safety including but not limited to law enforcement, fire and rescue, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery and all areas relating to Homeland Security, including terrorism, trafficking and cybersecurity.

Download the Statewide Situation Key Messages

Download the 2023 Cal OES Final Disposition of Bills

Download the Cal OES Weekly Legislative Update


Bridget Kolakosky

Bridget Kolakosky

Deputy Director, Legislative & Governmental Affairs

Office: (916) 364-4635 
Email: bridget.kolakosky@caloes.ca.gov



Assistant Director


Paul McGinnis

Paul McGinnis

Legislative Coordinator

Office: (916) 845-8105


Ryan Green

Ryan Green

Legislative Analyst

Office: (916) 845-8968
Email:    Ryan.Green@caloes.ca.gov

Tom Campbell

Tom Campbell

Legislative Analyst

Office: (916) 845-8954
Email: Thomas.Campbell@caloes.ca.gov

Laura Matz

Laura Matz

Legislative Analyst, IST

Office: (916) 364-4560
Email:      Laura.Matz@caloes.ca.gov

Stacey Landey

Stacey Landey

Legislative Analyst

Office: (916) 364-4652
Email: Stacey.Landey@caloes.ca.gov


Gabe Kearney

Gabe Kearney

Sr. Emergency Services Coordinator, Tribal IST

Office: (916) 845-8970
Email: Gabe.Kearney@caloes.ca.gov
Alex Shariatmadari

Alex Shariatmadari

Sr. Emergency Services Coordinator, Tribal IST

Office: (916) 845-8152
Email: Alex.Shariatmadari@caloes.ca.gov
Alejandra Obregon

Alejandra Obregon

Tribal Coordinator

Office: (916) 845-8267
Email: Alejandra.Obregon@caloes.ca.gov


Addy Jimenez

Addy Jimenez

International Affairs Specialist

Office: (916) 845-8971
Email: Adrianna.Jimenez@caloes.ca.gov
Jennifer Myers

Jennifer Myers

Office Administration

Office: (916) 845-8978
Email: Jennifer.Myers@caloes.ca.gov