Cal OES utilizes the Slack platform as its main communication tool used by the Fire Integrated Real Time Intelligence System (FIRIS) program. The FIRIS program adopted Slack as the primary communication tool in June 2023, replacing Twitter. Utilizing Slack increases the efficiency in which the FIRIS program can disseminate data to stakeholders, while meeting government security policy.
FIRIS Slack Outreach by Organization
Fire Departments
Emergency Operations Centers
Police Depaertments
State/Federal Agencies
Additional Information
The FIRIS Slack Application will provide the following:
1. Incident alerts of emergent incidents (Fire Rescue Mutual Region Specific and statewide channel
2. Wildland Fire Modeling with 3 hour spread projections without fire suppression
3. FIRIS aircraft intel that includes perimeters, videos, and snapshots
4. All hazard Intelligence and Information (earthquake, Tsunami, flood, mud and debris)