After-Action / Corrective Action Reporting

Legal Requirements for After-Action Reporting:

State Agencies and Local Government Reporting:
Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Regulation Section 2450 (a) SEMS Regulations California Code of Regulations, Title 19, § 2450.

California Code of Regulations, Title 19, § 2450
(a) Any city, city and county, or county declaring a local emergency for which the governor proclaims a state of emergency, and any state agency responding to that emergency shall complete and transmit an after action report to Cal OES within ninety (90) days of the close of the incident period.
(b) The after action report shall, at a minimum:

    • Be a review of response actions taken
    • Application of SEMS
    • Suggested modifications to SEMS
    • Necessary modifications to plans and procedures
    • Identified training needs
    • Recovery activities to date

State After Action Report Coordinated by Cal OES: 

Emergency Services Act (ESA), Article 9.5, Government Code Section 8607(f) – The Office of Emergency Services shall, in cooperation with involved state and local agencies, complete an after- action report within 180 days after each declared disaster. This report shall review public safety response and disaster recovery activities and shall be made available to all interested public safety and emergency management organizations.

AAR Reference

Active Reports

2024 Active Reports
2024 Late January – Early February Winter Storms AAR

2023 Active Reports
2023 I-10 Freeway Fire AAR
2023 Winter Storms AAR

2022 Active Reports
2022-2023 Early Winter Storms AAR
2022 Ferndale Earthquake AAR
2022 Monkeypox (mpox) Virus AAR
2022 September Extreme Heat, Fires, and Tropical Storms AAR

2021 Active Reports
2021 Late December Winter Storms AAR
2021 Pipeline P00547 Spill AAR
2021 Fire Season AAR

2020 Active Reports
2020 Los Angeles Civil Unrest AAR
2020 COVID-19 AAR
2020 Fires Season AAR

2019 Active Reports
2019 Fire Season and PSPS AAR
2019 Winter Storms AAR
2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake AAR

Sehar Choudhary

Sehar Choudhary

Senior Emergency Services Coordinator

Office: (916) 845-8165

Joe Boy Perez

Joe Boy Perez

Emergency Services Coordinator

Office: (916) 364-4563