Administrative Orders
Administrative Orders are agreements between the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and other state agencies and/or departments (Agencies) that have a role in any phase of the emergency management cycle (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery). Administrative Orders have been in effect in California since 1953.
Each state agency develops its own Administrative Order, and the order IS signed by both the Director of Cal OES and the respective Agency Secretary or Department Director.
Administrative Orders establish detailed activities for each phase of emergency management related to the agency’s role in supporting the California State Emergency Plan, the blueprint for disaster response for the state.
Administrative Orders:
- Summarize and expand the emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation functions of the state agency, in alignment with the California State Emergency Plan.
- Provide roles for a state agency to execute before, during, and after emergencies.
- Coordinate and direct the emergency actions of the respective state agency.
- Provide guidance for both the Cal OES Director and the State Agency Secretary or Department Director in the coordination of the established activities to execute in each phase of emergency management.
Administrative Order Templates
New Templates Coming Soon!
Email Questions and Comments to
Abby Tirapelle
Emergency Services Coordinator
Office: (916) 890-7910